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Kathleen.Net, ASP.Net Core, C#, Console Applications, JSON, RESTful, Testing, Tutorial, Web API.Net, core, C#, client tester, Console Application, contoso, CRUD, csharp, custom error handling, demo, error display, error handling, FakeItEasy, how-to, Http Patch, HttpClient, install, JSON, json patch, JSONPatch, microsoft learn, OpenAPI, pizza, setup, swagger, swagger documentation, swagger ui, swagger ui testing, swashbuckle, test, Tutorial, unit tests, Web API, xUnit, youtube videos
KathleenAzure, Cloud, JSON, Postman, Python, Testing, Tutorialauthentication, Azure, azure configurations, azure event grid topic, azure function, azure function app, Code, coding, coding project, demo, event grid, event grid topic, event grid trigger function, event publisher, event subscriber, how to create azure resources, how-to, Postman, postman request, publish, publish event, publish message, publish subscribe, publish to azure, publish to endpoint, publish to event grid topic, publisher, publisher-subscriber, python, setup, setup azure, subscribe, subscriber, Tutorial, visual studio code
Kathleen.NET Framework, C#, Console Applications, Form Applications, Service, Testing, WCF, Windows Applicationsauthentication, certificates, cryptology, custom username and password validator, custom validator, Password-Based Key Derivation Function PBKD, secure password, security, service error handler, WCF Authentication Service, Windows Communication Foundation