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Kathleen.Net, ASP.Net Core, C#, Entity Framework, RESTful, Service, Tutorial, Web API, Web core, backend, blazor, blazor-webassembly, coker-container, containers, content-security-policy, docker, docker-compose, entity framework core, frontend, how-to, microservices, mslearn, razor, store, Tutorial, Web API
Kathleen.Net, ASP.Net Core, C#, Console Applications, JSON, RESTful, Testing, Tutorial, Web API.Net, core, C#, client tester, Console Application, contoso, CRUD, csharp, custom error handling, demo, error display, error handling, FakeItEasy, how-to, Http Patch, HttpClient, install, JSON, json patch, JSONPatch, microsoft learn, OpenAPI, pizza, setup, swagger, swagger documentation, swagger ui, swagger ui testing, swashbuckle, test, Tutorial, unit tests, Web API, xUnit, youtube videos
Kathleen.NET Framework, ASP.NET, C#, Form Applications, IIS Express Web Server, RESTful, Service, Web, Web API, Web Applications, Windows ApplicationsASP.Net Web API, ASP.Net Web API Tester, authentication, basic authentication, credentials, CRUD, CRUD Service Operations, cryptology, custom username and password validator, custom validator, Memory Cache, MemoryCache, message handler, Password-Based Key Derivation Function PBKD, registration, secure password, user modeling, user registration, Web API