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Kathleen.Net, ASP.Net Core, C#, Console Applications, JSON, RESTful, Testing, Tutorial, Web API.Net, core, C#, client tester, Console Application, contoso, CRUD, csharp, custom error handling, demo, error display, error handling, FakeItEasy, how-to, Http Patch, HttpClient, install, JSON, json patch, JSONPatch, microsoft learn, OpenAPI, pizza, setup, swagger, swagger documentation, swagger ui, swagger ui testing, swashbuckle, test, Tutorial, unit tests, Web API, xUnit, youtube videos
KathleenAzure, Cloud, Python, Tutorial, Web, Web ApplicationsAzure, azure cloud, azure demo, azure devops, azure tutorial, azure virtual machine, azure web app, azure webapp, bad gateway, Cloud, configure, configure nginx, configure web server, demo, devops, flask, flask app, flask application, flask application tutorial, flask demo, how to fix bad gateway, how-to, install, install nginx, install python on virtual machine, nginx, nginx configuration, nginx demo, nginx reverse proxy, nginx-proxy, nginx-server, proxy, python, python application, python tutorial, python web app, reverse proxy, run local, run python on virtual machine, Tutorial, tutorial video, virtual machine, virtual machine install, virtual machine tutorial, vm, web app, web server