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Kathleen.Net, ASP.Net Core, C#, Console Applications, JSON, RESTful, Testing, Tutorial, Web API.Net, core, C#, client tester, Console Application, contoso, CRUD, csharp, custom error handling, demo, error display, error handling, FakeItEasy, how-to, Http Patch, HttpClient, install, JSON, json patch, JSONPatch, microsoft learn, OpenAPI, pizza, setup, swagger, swagger documentation, swagger ui, swagger ui testing, swashbuckle, test, Tutorial, unit tests, Web API, xUnit, youtube videos
KathleenJavaScript, JSON, RESTful, Testing, Web API, Web Applicationsaccessibility, aria, backend javascript, css, css3, Database, form validation, frontend javascript, grunt, high performance web app, html, html5, IndexedDB API, javascript, JSON, Lighthouse Audit, mobile web specialist, node development server, offline capable, offline first, Progressive Web App, responsive design, restaurant reviews, RESTful, RESTful API, service worker, udacity, user review form
Kathleen.NET Framework, C#, Console Applications, JSON, Windows ApplicationsData Contracts, Data Members, Document Statistics, File and Directory Reading, File I/O, Input / Output, intermediate console application, JSON, Regular Expressions, Serialization, Streams